Smarturday – 050424

Word vs. Sword

Wordsmith vs. Swordsmith
Wordsman vs. Swordsman

I think swordsman is such a cool word, aside from its masculine default. If you drop the first letter off it, what do you get? Wordsman. Why is that not also a word currently? Conversely, wordsmith exists yet swordsmith does not? Some bizarre differences…

I think these words should exist. However, I sugjest a slight adaptation – wordsperson1. Incorporate a fully-inclusive ideal as we change things for the better. That is my goal. Personally, I think it should be the overall goal in general, too. It is how I write as a wordsperson, and it is what I am working on when I speak, too. It is not easy at times, but I feel strongly that it is worthwhile work, so I am happy to continue whittling away at it2.

Recently, I read an article about different radical US militia groups starting to ramp up recruitments. It reminds me of and reinforces my focus – words instead of swords, ballots over bullets, and alliances in lieu of altercations. Here is another sugjestion for both sides – stop being sore losers. 2016 sucked for nearly half of us Americans; 2020 sucked for nearly half of us3. To state it clearly, 2024 will also suck for nearly half of us. Do not hate the players or the voters, but hate the MF game. Choose to change the game, but please do so peacefully and productively. Process your emotions first prior to proceeding. Approach this problem from a well-positioned point plus perspective. Plan positive projects, not destructive divisions. Do not delve into yet more dilemmas that damage, deface, or diminish our delicate dealings. Please choose to channel charitable care.

Sharpen your words, not other tools. Learn how to have difficult discussions. Compromise is when both people walk away feeling like they did not get everything that they wanted. You have to be able and willing to meet in the middle. That is how we each best stay in our own lane. Worry about tending to your lane; do not worry about what others are doing in and with their lane. If they are trying to step into your lane uninvited, then use your words to effectively defend yourself. I understand words will not always work. That is why we have law enforcement and such. There are ways to enforce and uphold words. If you try, you can look at, listen to, and learn from the lanes of others, too, but please do not step into them. I think that is why violence upsets me. It is a physical clash of control for lanes. It does not feel right to me, and I think it only rarely yields appropriate results.

Ultimately, I think it boils down to this – are you controlling your emotions, or are your emotions controlling you? If the latter, then change is needed, and I believe that firmly. Resorting to violence is unacceptable. Control yourself first and foremost. Learn how to present your opinions and stances in a meaningful and productive way. For whatever it is worth, I realize as I write these words that I still have plenty of work to do here, too. Maybe a lot, if not all, of these posts are more for me than others. I do not know right now. It is all here, though, in case others choose to look and possibly be helped, too.

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.

– John Wesley

I am going to paraphrase repetitively – words over swords. Please, y’all, let us all try to slow back down and use our minds as best as we can instead of instantly trying to resort to our muscles. Those will come and go with time. Our minds can keep being honed if we are ready and willing to put in the work. Verbal battlefields over literal minefields. No life should ever be lost over any differences of opinion. Is it wise? Is it dumb? Time will tell.

  1. A person who uses their words (written, spoken, etc.) wisely and powerfully. ↩︎
  2. Will some consider this a run-on? Sure. I do not care. It makes sense; it works. Flexing my license as a wordsmith ;) ↩︎
  3. Really, it sucked for all of us because pandemic. Life as we knew it changed. ↩︎