Have you ever wondered… about Karma? I have. A lot actually. Maybe that word eeks or irks you. At a recent lecture that I attended, a guest speaker described karma as cause and effect. So, do you at least believe in that? In another way, it was described to me as reaping what you sow, so your actions, good or bad, will make their way back to you. They can be reminders or wake-up calls for change. I believe in karma. Wholeheartedly. What do you believe in? Have you started to ponder these things at all? Why or why not? Is there something that you are afraid of? At least initially, it is often not pretty looking inside, but therein lie your secrets. IMO, if you only stay at surface-level, then you lie to yourself. You overlook or ignore those good (and bad) secrets that are awaiting within. They are not going anywhere, so what are you waiting for? Simply ignoring them and hoping they go away seems insane to me. After all, what is one definition of insanity?
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein
Repetitively paraphrasing again, I think of karma as a call for change. Our past will always catch up with us; our reckoning will come knocking. What will you do moving forward? Does anyone else have nights where one or two dream sequences will repeat themselves until you break the insanity and make the better or different choice? That, too, is karma. You can repeat your errors unrelentingly, or you can reconcile and resolve your reservations and restrictions through reflection, realization, reevaluation, recalibration, and readjustment. Please remove your restraints to revel in and relish reality. Really.
I sugjest slowing down some and looking inward. I will HOTly (Honestly, Openly, and Transparently) admit to y’all now that it has done me a world of good. I know it could do the same for you if you try and let it. As a fair warning, it is not easy, and it certainly is not all fun and games or rainbows, sunshine, and unicorns. It can be downright scary as you begin to figure things out. Reliving past traumas is rarely a bundle of joy, but it is oh so worth it in my most honest opinion… maybe it’s wise; maybe it’s dumb; time will tell…
Last NFL season, I watched what could easily have been my first-ever NY Jets game. I was excited to see what Aaron Rodgers would do now that he was no longer a GB Packer. Evidently, surprisingly, and unfortunately, not too much. His body got busted during the first series. I think they made it to the second set of downs before he went down. It was not pretty, but I also believe it was karma. Now, I will choose to recognize and respect his rehab and recovery. How he bounced back so fast post-surgery was truly impressive, but it also did not matter; the Jets did not make it to the playoffs last season. No single player makes or breaks things in a team sport, only himself or herself instead. I might speculate reasons for karma; I sugjest Aaron ruminate on it during his next retreat.
I think that he thinks of himself as “the greatest thing since sliced bread” or whichever aphorism more appropriately fits here in your mind. IMHO, I would love to sugjest to Aaron that he finally fill in that “chip on his shoulder,” and I would sugjest that he stay in his lane which should not be a very scientific one. Him spouting half-baked conspiracies is not helping any cause. I sugjest making your own loaf whole and truly great before blindly misdirecting followers more. That is my $.02 or 2% to serve alongside a slice.
For right now, unfortunately at this point in time, I think A-A-Ron is just an A-A-hole, but he could be more. He could be better. We all could, if we each try more. I firmly believe life is about learning lessons if we learn to listen. Again, it takes work, but it is worth it.
I think it is important for us all to do our best based on what feels right in our soul instead of basing our actions or choices on some “cool”, “dope”, or “swag” factor. Karma does not care about how many likes, replies, or shares we get. Karma catches up with all actions, including rhetoric that makes one simply question it sometimes with, “WTF, why would you say that?” Aaron Rodgers does not know about vaccines; he knows about football. Has that honorary doctorate (in humanities) gone to his head? IDK. While he may be “a genius on the football field, Rodgers has revealed himself to be a pandemic ignoramus.”
Honestly, I recommend DBT1 and not any other three-letter thing out there. In my most honest and humble opinion, DBT can do more good by slowly shining light on your own inner darkness as opposed to trying to turn off the lights on the outside more. What would A+A+Ron look like? I wonder… and I also truly hope he will show us that at some point if he can realize that there is a wide world of experts to rely upon beyond himself.
Maybe it is wise. Maybe it is dumb. Time will tell. Stay wondrous, y’all!
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy – learning how to act, feel, and think better/clearer ↩︎