Earlier this week, one of the teachers in my life randomly told me about the root form of courage. Cuer in Old French or Cor in Latin both refer to the heart. An obsolete definition of courage even describes the heart as the source of emotion. To be courageous, we must have heart and feel our true emotions. When we open our heart to the world more, we become capable of practicing compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and loving-kindness.
That’s love, you see. It is redemptive… There is something about love that builds up and is creative.
There is something about hate that tears down and is destructive.
So love your enemies.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
MLK, Jr. forgave his enemies, people who literally brandished weapons and attempted to take his life. Edith felt pity for the nazi guards in the concentration camps; she knew they had been brainwashed. She knew their childhoods had also been stolen. These people had so many reasons to be angry, yet they chose to still live life on their fair terms. How impressive and powerful! I am in absolute awe of their courageous commitments to love.
Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
As I read that quote and reflected on their lives, it struck me that they both evolved well beyond standard or typical expectations of humans. They set the bar very high for us all. Edith and Martin both chose to courageously adopt unconventional mindsets to push the boundaries of equitable expectations for humanity, listening to finely-tuned consciences.
There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
For this next cycle, I choose to courageously explore one of the weakest areas of my life. I had not planned on going here so soon, but I am gradually improving my flexibility and open-mindedness. Listening to and learning from the cues around me has proven to be eye-opening. I hope you will forgive me if this next cycle is rougher. I can now envision a road work sign up ahead in my lane. Buckle up as we might experience some rough air.
Make up your minds that happiness depends on being free, and freedom depends on being courageous.
Forgiveness is just another name for freedom.
-Byron Katie
Maybe it is wise. Maybe it is dumb. Time will tell. Courageously forgive, y’all :) <3